
Emissions Monitoring

Twin-Tek has been supplying emissions monitoring systems for over 30 years. For gas emissions monitoring, Twin-Tek represents Protea’s range of equipment, which covers almost all areas of emissions testing. We have solutions for most emissions gases – from combustion gas emissions to non-standard organic VOC emissions, CFC emissions and more.

Emissions Monitoring Requirements

Almost all industrial installations worldwide have a requirement to know and monitor their emissions to atmosphere, and take steps to reduce or limit their emissions. The quantities of gases that plants are permitted to emit are enforced by local regulation in each geographical region and can vary on the type of industry, plant or fuel that is being burnt.

In order to monitor the emissions, increasing instrumental techniques are the preferred method and certainly where a continuous emissions monitor is needed this can only be from on-line analysers. Protea has developed our range of gas analyser to operate within the stringent levels of performance needed in order for industry to monitor the emissions as required by the regulations. This includes the need for certification or accreditation of the analysers against performance requirement

Continuous Emissions Monitoring (CEMs)

Industrial plants operating continuously and with a high level of constant emissions are often required to install a permanent, fixed, continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS). CEMs must have the required performance for the gases present in the stack – correct ranges, response times and accuracy of measurement – as well as have a reliable uptime and operation life so that the plant can continue to run.

Protea’s range of CEMs includes both extractive analyser systems – such as the atmosFIR CEM – or in-situ analyser that measure in-stack – the P2000 and P5000 analyser have a proven installation base globally in a wide range of industries.

Periodic or Portable Emissions Monitoring (PEMs)

Even if plants require permanent CEMS, there is also the need for approved stack emissions consultants to make periodic emissions measurements following approved methods and techniques. Historically this was using so called “wet chemistry” techniques of manual sampling and using external laboratories for sample analysis, but today instrumental techniques for periodic emissions measurements give as accurate readings with the added benefit of more data and on-site validation of data.

Protea’s multigas FTIR analysers are ideal for measurement of periodic stack emissions across a wide range of industries – from combustion gas process such as power generation or incineration, to complex multi-VOC emissions from pharmaceutical or chemical production plants.

Protea can also provide the support and training needed for periodic stack emissions consultants to follow and apply the required validations and tests of data that are required from the use of regulatory approved methods, such as CEN and ISO standards.

Extractive CEMs

Systems such as the atmosFIR CEM are fully compliant extractive CEM systems. Protea uses the power of FTIR technology to measure the full range of pollutants from incineration and other combustion processes.

Extractive CEMs

In-Situ CEMs

In-situ Continuous Emissions Monitoring (CEM) analysers are flange mounted to the emissions point, with an in-situ sample cell inserted into the stack.

In-Situ CEMs

Portable Emissions Analysers

Portable FTIR and TDL emissions analysers from Protea allow for a wide range of industrial pollutants to be measured periodically or as a back-up to existing CEM systems.

Portable Emissions Analysers

Emissions Monitoring Equipment

Protea’s core analysers can be built into a complete measurement system with the correct choice of panel integration and sampling system components.

Emissions Monitoring Equipment

Dynoptic Dust Analysers

Dynoptic Systems is a recognised specialist in the design and manufacture of high technology instrumentation for continuous emission monitoring.

Dynoptic Dust Analysers

Emissions Applications

Protea can measure almost any gas within an emissions application. This can be as a Continuous Emissions Monitoring system, an In-Situ monitoring system or as a portable emissions test analyser.

Emissions Applications

Emissions Reporting Software

Data Acquisition Software (DAS) for Emissions is a critical component of a Continuous Emissions Monitoring system. As well as providing the approved analyser to measure emissions, Protea can provide Emissions Reporting Software with the installation that will combine gas readings with those of dust, flow, temperature and process conditions to report emissions to the level of detail and confidence that legislation requires.

Emissions Reporting Software