Protea Achieve IECEx Certificate of Conformity

3rd September 2018

International Electrotechnical Commission IEC Certificate Scheme for Explosive Atmospheres. IECEx is a voluntary system which provides an internationally accepted means of proving compliance with IEC standards. IEC standards are used in many national approval schemes and as such, IECEx certification can be used to support national compliance, negating the need in most cases for additional testing. Download the Protea IECEx Certificate of Conformity here or on our accreditations page.

Protea Achieve IECEx Certificate of Conformity

The International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC) is an international standards organisation that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies - collectively known as "electrotechnology". IEC standards cover a vast range of technologies from power generation, transmission and distribution to home appliances and office equipment, semiconductors, fibre optics, batteries, solar energy, nanotechnology and marine energy as well as many others. The IEC also manages three global conformity assessment systems that certify whether equipment, system or components conform to its International Standards. If you require any further information regarding the Protea IECEx Certificate of Conformity or anything else you can email Protea at