Season's Greetings From Protea 2024

24th December 2024

Season’s greetings from all of us and we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Our last working day before Christmas will be Tuesday 24th December 2024, reopening on Thursday 2nd January 2025. We would like to thank everyone involved with our company including our employees, customers, suppliers and people who have been involved in projects and related activities.

Season's Greetings From Protea 2024

As a UK manufacturer of analysers using a range of technologies - IR, UV, FTIR, TDL and QMS - Protea can support the entire system from the analyser, software optimisation, systems automation and on-going service and support. Our core areas of expertise are for stack and marine emissions, where we are leading in the development of controlling global environmental emissions, pollution reduction and process improvement. Protea’s analysers can be applied to fixed applications, often in demanding environments, or portable monitoring tools to support environmental test laboratories and researchers.

#Protea #Emissions #Monitoring #CEMS #FTIR #Gas #Analysers #Shipping #Marine #Carbon #Capture